
7 Symptoms of Knee Osteoarthritis (OA) and 2 Solutions for You

7 Symptoms of Knee Osteoarthritis (OA) and 2 Solutions for You

Knee Osteoarthritis & Symptoms

Knee pain is a problem that many people face. It can be caused by various reasons, including injury, overuse, or underlying medical conditions. Knee osteoarthritis (OA) is a common cause of knee pain. It occurs when the cushioning cartilage in the knee joint wears down, causing pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility.

While knee OA usually affects older adults, it can happen at any age. Especially if you have certain risk factors like obesity, prior knee injuries, family history, or certain jobs that stress your knee joint.

This blog will discuss the symptoms and treatment options for knee pain and knee OA. Including hyaluronic acid injections like Cingal and Monovisc. If you have knee pain or want to learn more about knee OA, this blog will provide you with helpful information and 2 solutions.

7 Common Symptoms of Knee OA:

  1. Knee Pain:
    The most common symptom of knee OA is pain in the knee joint, which may be described as a dull ache or a sharp, shooting pain.
  2. Stiffness:
    People with knee OA may experience stiffness in the joint, particularly after periods of inactivity.
  3. Tenderness:
    Knee OA can cause swelling in the joint, which may be accompanied by a feeling of warmth or tenderness.
  4. Reduced range of motion:
    Over time, knee OA can cause the joint to become stiff and inflexible, which can lead to a reduced range of motion.
  5. Grating sensation or cracking sounds:
    Some people with knee OA may experience a grinding or cracking sound when moving the knee joint. Knee pain may be associated with grinding.
  6. Bone Spurs:
    Bone spurs are bony projections that develop along the edges of bones. They form around the affected joint and as a result, causing further pain and discomfort.
  7. Swelling:
    Knee OA may cause swelling which occurs as a result of inflammation in the joint. This swelling might cause the joint to feel tender and warm to the touch.

It’s important to talk to a healthcare provider if you are experiencing any of these symptoms. Early intervention helps manage the condition and prevents further damage to the joint.

Additionally, treatment options for knee OA include a combination of lifestyle changes, such as weight loss and exercise. For quick relief with lasting benefits, hyaluronic acid injections may also be used to reduce knee pain associated to knee OA.

Hyaluronic acid (HA) injections such as Cingal and Monovisc, are common treatment options for knee OA. These injections are designed to supplement the natural hyaluronic acid in the knee joint, improving lubrication and reducing pain.

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) & The 2 Solutions for You

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a naturally occurring substance in the human body that is found in connective tissues and fluids, such as synovial fluid.


Hyaluronic acid is a substance in the joint fluid that lubricates and cushions joints during movement. People with osteoarthritis (OA) may have less and lower quality hyaluronic acid in their joint fluid, which causes joint pain.

Hyaluronic acid injections can be used to supplement the natural hyaluronic acid in the joint and provide long-lasting pain relief. These injections are given directly into the knee joint and contain a gel-like substance made from a synthetic version of hyaluronic acid.

Hyaluronic acid helps with pain relief, reducing inflammation, nourishing cartilage, and stimulating the body’s production of hyaluronic acid.

Cingal & Monovisc

Cingal and Monovisc are both types of hyaluronic acid injections that are used to treat knee osteoarthritis (OA). These injections are designed to supplement the natural hyaluronic acid found in the knee joint, improving lubrication and reducing pain.

What is Cingal?


Cingal is a registered shot (MDA) that helps reduce knee pain for people with knee OA. It’s a combination of two medications: hyaluronic acid, which helps the knee joint move smoothly, and approved steroid medication, which helps reduce swelling and pain.

Cingal is given as a single shot directly into the knee joint and provides both immediate and long-lasting pain relief. Cingal is a good option for people with knee OA who want to manage their pain and improve their quality of life without needing surgery.

By reducing pain and inflammation, Cingal can help people with knee OA move more easily and carry out their daily activities with less discomfort.

What is Monovisc?


Monovisc is an FDA approved injection that helps people with knee OA manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life. Unlike other similar injections, Monovisc contains the highest concentration of hyaluronic acid on the market, almost 3x more than its competitors. It is administered as a single injection treatment directly into the knee joint and provides long-lasting pain relief for up to six months.

By injecting Monovisc into the knee joint, the high concentration of hyaluronic acid acts as a lubricant and cushion, reducing friction and pain during movement. This helps to improve mobility and reduce pain, stiffness, and discomfort associated with knee OA.

Overall, Monovisc provides people with knee OA a non-surgical option for managing their symptoms and improving their quality of life.

Differences between Cingal & Monovisc


Cingal and Monovisc are both used to treat knee pain in people with osteoarthritis. But there are some differences in their benefits and the patients they are best suited for.

  1. Cingal is a combination of hyaluronic acid and a corticosteroid, providing both immediate and long-lasting pain relief. The steroid in Cingal helps to reduce inflammation and pain, while the hyaluronic acid acts as a lubricant and cushion for the knee joint.
  2. Cingal is given as a single shot directly into the knee joint and is a good option for people with knee OA who want to manage their pain and improve their quality of life without surgery.
  3. Cingal may be more beneficial for individuals with more severe knee OA, as the addition of the corticosteroid helps manage inflammation and pain that may not be effectively controlled by a hyaluronic acid-only injection.
  1. Monovisc is a high molecular weight hyaluronic acid injection that is designed to provide long-lasting relief for up to six months.
  2. Monovisc’s high concentration of hyaluronic acid makes it unique. With nearly 3x more HA than any other competition in the market.
  3. Monovisc is a good option for people with knee OA who may have mild to moderate symptoms and are seeking a minimally invasive treatment option that provides long-lasting relief.

The Takeaway

In summary, both Cingal and Monovisc provide relief for knee pain associated with OA. However, they may be better suited for different types of patients depending on their symptoms and treatment preferences.

Cingal may be more beneficial for individuals with more severe knee OA. It combines both hyaluronic acid (HA) and a corticosteroid to provide both immediate and long-lasting pain relief. Monovisc, on the other hand, may be a better option for individuals with mild to moderate knee OA. People that seek a minimally invasive treatment option that provides long-lasting relief and maintenance.

What’s Next

People suffering from knee OA will benefit from the solutions with:


IMPORTANT: While both injections provide relief for some people with knee osteoarthritis (OA), their effectiveness varies depending on the individual and the severity of their condition. Withstanding, they are still highly recommended in the market due to their effectiveness and close-to-instant solution process.

Saving knee OA sufferers the time and energy needed to visit their physician on additional occasions.

Finally, it’s always important to talk to a healthcare provider about the best treatment options for knee OA. Including the use of hyaluronic acid injections like Cingal and Monovisc.


In conclusion, the takeaway from this blog is that osteoarthritis (OA) is a common and debilitating condition that greatly impacts a person’s quality of life. However, with early intervention and proper management, it is possible to reduce knee pain and improve mobility.

At CIMed Healthcare, we offer Cingal and Monovisc as treatment options for knee osteoarthritis. Both of the solutions recommended above have been approved by either the Medical Device Authority (MDA) or the U.S Food & Drug Administration (FDA). They provide long-lasting pain relief for people with knee OA. If you are experiencing symptoms of knee OA, we encourage you to talk to a healthcare provider about the best treatment options for you. With the right treatment plan, you can take control of your osteoarthritis and improve your overall quality of life.

Contact Us for more information on Knee OA & The 2 Solutions to Fix It.

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